The Silent Sufferer Part 1: Speaking Up Even When It Hurts

Think about the last time your feelings were hurt.

Why were your feelings hurt and did you speak about this situation  directly to the person?

You may have gone back and forth in your mind. I mean the whole talking to yourself, replaying the entire storyline from start to finish. Should I say something? Should I let it go? Should I avoid this person at all cost? Do I act like everything is “good” and continue hurting on the inside?

Now, after asking all of these questions in a matter of a few seconds, because we know when you are in a situation like this it does not take long. Did you inform the person who hurt your feelings that you were actually feeling this way? Do you think after you have calmed down, and came to a resolution that you might want to speak up for yourself?

This is not the time to back away from uncomfortable situations and people. It is time out from running, avoiding and dodging the confrontation. As a person who is no longer a SILENT SUFFERER, I speak up, I share my true thoughts and use wisdom to relate this information to others.

Sometimes you may FEEL uncomfortable within yourself, you may even feel this tug to speak up, and not allow one more day to pass without confronting the issue. If you do allow the issue to continue it has the potential to mushroom into a much larger problem that you would really not want to deal with.

Remember while it is a small nugget, take care of it now, not tomorrow. Nip it in the bud and SPEAK UP even when it hurts.

Share in the comments what is hurting you that you need to speak up about.